Customer service in our stores
Customer service in our webshop
Anne Hildén: or gsm +32 (0)047 373 5136
Do you want to propose a co-operation with your brand? Please keep in mind that the first contact is via email to, we cannot make ad hoc appointments in our stores or receive free samples or other physical materials from brands in the stores or via post.
For all financial questions and invoicing, administration, staff
Tonny Van Bavel: or +32 (0) 472 71 59 41

The store in Mechelen is situated at Onze-Lieve-Vrouwestraat 116, 2800 Mechelen. We are open from Mondays until Saturdays between 10-18h. Nearest bicycle parking just next to our shop and the train station is 5 minutes away. You can mail us at or call 0486 34 12 55.
Supergoods is no longer active in Gent. All gift vouchers or points collected
under the programme ‘Good Vibes Club’ can only be used on the Supergoods
webshop or at the Supergoods stores in Antwerp or Mechelen.