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Swedish Hasbeens The Best Collection 2014!
Swedish Hasbeens new optimistic SS14 collection The Best Collection – in the best of all possible worlds is standing ready to go online beginning of next month. To further introduce the new spring styles is the collection image that embodies the pastel covered decade that the collection is inspired of.
Designer Emy Blixt has together with the fantastic Swedish corset maker Viola Lagher created a collection look that emphasizes the optimism, femininity and curves that are as vivid today as in the 18th century. .
- We are starving for female curves, pastel colors, silver and gold designer Emy Blixt says. I want to celebrate both the fashion and the optimistic ideas of the 18:th century, the daring fashion of Marie Antoinette and the progressive ideas of Voltaire. I guess I want to say thank you to all these heroic human rights fighters that with their optimism and courage that have paved a way for A Better World for us all to live in. Also a big thanks to Viola Lagher who carries a genuine tradition with her Swedish corsets balancing sinful designs with modern inspiration which was a perfect match for this collection.
- For me it came very naturally to cooperate with Swedish Hasbeens says corset maker Karin, designer at Viola Lagher. I have always admired their continues ambition to keep true to the handicraft that is their heritage. Viola Lahger is the result of the will to send on something of an old knowing that was about to be totally forgotten. Corsets is for me a very special kind of art, a jewellery that is dependent on both the collaboration between client and corset maker, as well as the ability to make a perfectly fitted garment according to actual physical conditions.
Swedish Hasbeens in our webshop
De nieuwe collectie van Swedish Hasbeens heet The Best Collection.
Ontwerper Emy Blixt en Zweedse corsetmaker Viola Lagher creëerden een collectie die een ode vormt aan het optimisme en de vrouwelijke vormen, die vandaag net zo levendig zijn als in de 18e eeuw.
- We hebben honger naar vrouwelijke vormen, pastelkleuren, zilver en goud, zegt ontwerper Emy Blixt. Ik wil zowel de mode- en de optimistische ideeën van de 18 eren: de eeuw, de gedurfde manier van Marie Antoinette en de vooruitstrevende ideeën van Voltaire.
Swedish Hasbeens in onze webshop.
